Finish Line Pledge

See What Others Have pledged

We’re all different. God has called us all in different ways. The point wasn’t the exact finish line we chose, but the acceptance that there was a finite limit to the money we need.

The people who have made this commitment come from all different backgrounds, different families, and different incomes. And God has worked in each of their hearts differently.

Why percentiles? Situations change. Our families grow. The costs of rent, and food, and gas all go up. Choosing a flat dollar amount would force us to constantly re-evaluate our finish line. 

By matching that dollar amount to a percentile of the population, we can maintain the same standard of living through inflation and family growth. Read how it works or try it out using the finish line calculator

Average Family Size


Average Finish Line (Percentile)

Average Finish Line (Monthly)

Averages are updated monthly.

Make the Pledge


I pledge to limit my monthly spending to the finish line I have chosen.


I pledge to manage the wealth God has entrusted me to the best of my ability.


I pledge to wisely give the excess above my finish line to benefit others and God’s kingdom, as God leads me.