Jim Rasmussen, Financial Advisor, on Purposeful Living and Giving

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 101
Jim Rasmussen, Financial Advisor, Pandowealth chick fil a chick-fil-a finish line podcast
Jim Rasmussen, Financial Advisor, Pandowealth chick fil a chick-fil-a finish line podcast

Jim Rasmussen, Financial Advisor, on Purposeful Living and Giving

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 101

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What We’ll Cover

Jim Rasmussen was raised as a pastor’s kid in a Lutheran church in Georgia, and his faith solidified in college as he involved himself in ministries that affected transformational change in many lives. After graduating with an accounting degree, Jim was led to a job with Chick-fil-A, first in accounting and later advising franchise owners on how to run their businesses more efficiently.  

Today, Jim is a financial advisor and the co-founder of Pandowealth, an advising firm that provides personal finance guidance to franchise owners and other Chick-fil-A staff to empower them to more purposeful living and giving. Jim is a passionate teacher with powerful insights on financial stewardship, Kingdom-building generosity, and trusting God with big steps of faith.   

Major topics include:

  • His personal and faith background
  • His 20-year experience working for Chick-fil-A
  • How God led him from accounting to financial planning
  • Trusting God with crazy steps of faith
  • Dealing with common barriers to generosity
  • Copying others vs. doing what you’re called to do with your resources
  • Deciding how much is enough
  • Tools and framework to develop a written generosity plan

Quotes to Remember

  • “I’m not somebody who can sit behind a desk all day just doing debits and credits. I got the accounting degree so I could learn how numbers work and how I could move up and have more impact and influence in the world with the things that God’s given me.”
  • “If you look around, all the people that have joy are generous.”
  • “How do I remove the obstacles to my generosity? If I can remove those, then I can be generous and experience more joy.”
  • “The company is about, ‘We grow wealth to empower purposeful living and giving.’ What’s better than that?”
  • “What have you been given gifts for that God wants you to accomplish? If you can look at your life plan, then you can develop a financial plan that helps you to accomplish that.”
  • “Don’t just look through the lens of the financial, I want you to look through the lens of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual as well. Sometimes, it’s ok to give up a little bit of the financial stewardship to improve your personhood of emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual stability.”
  • “Our goal is for 80% of our clients to have a written generosity plan.”
  • “I’m now working to give, not working to live.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Luke 12:16-21 | The Bigger Barns Parable  

20 But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ 21 So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”  

1 Peter 4:10 | Stewarding God’s Gifts  

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace:

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