Q&A: Advice for College Students Interested in the Finish Line Pledge

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 11
Financial Finish Line College Students Financial Finish Line Podcast
Financial Finish Line College Students Financial Finish Line Podcast

Q&A: Advice for College Students Interested in the Finish Line Pledge

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 11

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What We’ll Cover

There is significant benefit to setting a financial finish line early in your career. Kealan and Cody offer a number of pieces of advice for college students interested in the idea of a finish line. We are often caught up in our own stories, our own careers, and our own actions. But as the guys have learned in their own experience, there is a much greater story going on. Rather than being the main character of our own story, we are minor characters in God’s story. After discussing some of this foundation, the guys also dive into some practical financial advice for anyone getting started.

Quotes to Remember

  • “I don’t want to get to the end of my life and look back on everything and realize that I had just accidentally made it all the way through life without ever actually doing anything”
  • “That next phase where everything becomes easy and you have all the time in the world to do what you care about most and want to do – that never actually comes. The things that really matter, you really need to start doing now.”
  • “The Bible is the collective story of God and what He is doing, and we are all characters in God’s story.”
  • “At some point, there has to be a point where you’ve reached enough, where that standard of living does not need to keep increasing as income keeps increasing.”
  • “Just like how much space you have in your home determines how much stuff you will have, however much income you have – you’ll always find a way to spend it.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

The Book of Ecclesiastes

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