Peter and Kendra Amico on Giving Alliances, Foster Care, and Using a 501c3 for Spontaneous Giving

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 22
Peter and Kendra Amico on Giving Alliances, Foster Care, and Using a 501c3 for Spontaneous Giving
Peter and Kendra Amico on Giving Alliances, Foster Care, and Using a 501c3 for Spontaneous Giving

Peter and Kendra Amico on Giving Alliances, Foster Care, and Using a 501c3 for Spontaneous Giving

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 22

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What We’ll Cover

Peter and Kendra Amico, an economist and ER doctor by trade, have truly been captivated by the generosity of the gospel. While their calling to generosity started before they came to faith, they share how coming into personal relationship with Christ exploded the power of generosity in their lives. It is evident that God was very intently seeking after them and that he had a very specific plan for their lives.

Not only has God given them a deep heart for generosity, but he has equipped them with a whole arsenal of creative tax and giving strategies that we have never heard on the show before. One of their more intriguing approaches they share involved setting up a personal 501c3 nonprofit with another couple or two in order to allow them to write off all of the “spontaneous” giving they were doing such as covering bills, auto repair, and medical expenses for people in need around their community. In doing so, they were able to augment the impact of their dollars given. 

Outside of their financial lives, the Amicos have a deeply rooted passion for foster care in the Orlando area and are parents to 6 through birth, foster care, and adoption. They discuss how foster care and adoption are closely intertwined with generosity and how God has worked radically in their lives through the process. Listen now to hear the Amico’s incredible story.

Quotes to Remember

  • “It’s just fun to look for opportunities and then realize I can meet that need right now!”
  • “How can we start to give to people in our community who we wouldn’t have thought to give to before?”
  • “We were growing our trust in God that he is the ultimate one in charge, not us. And that responsibility is off my shoulders.”
  • “I think generosity is the single most important growth area in our Christian walk”
  • “It’s in losing your life that your really find it, and it’s not always in the way you would think.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Proverbs 11:24 | One Gives Freely 24

One gives freely, yet grows all the richer;
    another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.

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