Answering “How Much Money Do I Really Need?” with Kealan Hobelmann, ENT Surgeon

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 3
Kealan Hobelmann, ENT, Finish Line Pledge Financial Finish Line Podcast
Kealan Hobelmann, ENT, Finish Line Pledge Financial Finish Line Podcast

Answering “How Much Money Do I Really Need?” with Kealan Hobelmann, ENT Surgeon

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 3

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What We’ll Cover

In this episode, Kealan shares his story through medical school and residency searching for an answer to the question, “How much money do I really need?” Listen as he shares his process for answering that question, and how that process evolved into the Finish Line Pledge.

Quotes to Remember:

  • “We wanted to protect ourselves from that sort of lifestyle inflation”
  • “We wanted to find some kind of a limit or benchmark that could keep us on track so that as we went through these different stages of life, our lifestyle didn’t just expand to fill up whatever there was to fill”
  • “I know my income is going to jump by several times, and we’re going to be able to freely give all of that away, but that decision would have been very difficult to do if we had not been intentionally walking through this process and making these decisions along the way.”
  • “I think my greatest fear is accidentally getting to the end of my life and realizing that there was so much more that I could have been a part of – that God was doing completely ridiculous stuff all around me.”

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