Tim Mohns, Seasoned Financial Advisor, on Giving WITH God Rather than Giving TO God

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 39
Tim Mohns Finanical Advisor Raymond James Fountain Wealth Management Generosity Giving God Kingdom Advisors
Tim Mohns Finanical Advisor Raymond James Fountain Wealth Management Generosity Giving God Kingdom Advisors

Tim Mohns, Seasoned Financial Advisor, on Giving WITH God Rather than Giving TO God

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 39

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What We’ll Cover

Tim Mohns is a seasoned financial planner who has had a financial finish line for the last 15 years after trying it out during a 6 month experiment. In addition to his advising career, Tim is heavily involved with the National Christian Foundation, a donor advised fund platform, as well as Kingdom Advisors, which seeks to equip financial planners to integrate their faith into their work.

Tim shared an inspiring testimony of learning to walk in step with God, including experiencing the fruit of some impressively specific instructions from God. But even more than that, he shared through his own story how God is so much more interested in us giving with God rather than giving for God. In more recent years, Tim has been exploring giving away parts of the business he’s spent his life building with some exciting developments on the horizon. Listen now to hear Tim’s entire story.

Quotes to Remember

  • “Is this really all there is? … I’m doing everything I’m supposed to be doing. Why does it feel like I’m just eating paper? It’s tasteless!”
  • “What really struck me was hearing the testimonies of people who had really tried generosity.”
  • “I’m more of a save-a-holic than a spend-a-holic.”
  • “Giving went from just another box to check as a good Christian boy scout to an invitation to do something with my heavenly father.”
  • “The giving piece of it has been way more about me and intimacy with God and leading me back to what my heart’s desire really is, which is to have a great relationship with my heavenly father.”
  • “I used to think that God needed me to ‘fund the kingdom’.”
  • “I don’t think God’s heart is always about maximizing ROI, like somehow he’s going to run out of money.”
  • “We don’t have to worry about the results, we just get to be a part of the process.”
  • “You cannot take someone through something you’ve never done yourself.”
  • “People talk about giving as something you ought to do, but I talk about it as an opportunity.”
  • “I really want to come beside people and give them the freedom to take risks.”
  • “Find a way to create a little bit of financial margin, and then get into a listening posture.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Matthew 6:19-21 | Store Up Treasures in Heaven 

19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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