Jonathan Reynolds, CEO of Titus Talent Strategies, on Why a Culture of Generosity is a Smart Business Move

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 44

Jonathan Reynolds, CEO of Titus Talent Strategies, on Why a Culture of Generosity is a Smart Business Move

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 44

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What We’ll Cover

Jonathan Reynolds is the CEO of Titus Talent Strategies, an innovative company in the recruiting and hiring space. Jonathan was raised in a strong culture of generosity and that theme has continued on through his life. And Jonathan has infused that same generosity culture into his company’s very foundation.

One way Jonathan has done that is by creating a company giving fund. Any employee can recommend an organization that is doing work in the community, and Titus Talent will help support that organization from their giving fund. In this way, Titus has contributed millions of dollars to support the community with an ultimate goal to give away 30 million dollars by 2030. And they’re ahead of schedule!

While Jonathan is a passionate Christ follower, and believes generosity is baked into our original human design before the fall, he also talks about how generosity actually makes perfect business sense. He goes as far to say that he would recommend a strong culture of generosity even for a business leader with no background in faith.

Jonathan shared not only the amazing fruit he’s seen from Titus’s generosity culture, but also the challenges that have arisen too. He had thoughtful insight into how to navigate some of these challenges and recommendations for those who don’t even know where to start.

Quotes to Remember

  • “Whatever you do, just do it for the glory of God. And live in such a way as to hasten his return.”
  • “God is the ultimate priority and he is the one I want to please. And I am a steward of his resources.” 
  • “If I was an ungodly person who wasn’t living for eternity, I would actually choose the generosity route as a strategic business position. It just works. It’s magnetic and creates a sense of unified meaning.”
  • “Is generosity a part of your life today? Because it won’t be later if it isn’t today.”
  • “I want to stay in the business world to take people on that journey with me rather than get out as fast as I can.”
  • “Even through the pandemic when the bottom fell out from most of our businesses, our first reaction was how do we keep meeting our giving goals?”
  • “Generosity is contagious. It’s the most amazing experience and you want others to experience it too.”

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