Matt Farmer, President of NCF Heartland, on the Infectious Nature of Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 47
Matt Farmer President NCF National Christian Foundation HOPE Center Kansas City Generosity Giving Finish Line Podcast
Matt Farmer President NCF National Christian Foundation HOPE Center Kansas City Generosity Giving Finish Line Podcast

Matt Farmer, President of NCF Heartland, on the Infectious Nature of Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 47

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What We’ll Cover

Matt Farmer is the President of the Heartland Office of the National Christian Foundation. Matt has a broad background which including time in the NFL, airforce service, seminary, and work in both the business and nonprofit sectors before taking over leadership of NCF Heartland.

Early in his career, Matt and his wife Jenna were the recipients of an incredible act of generosity that set the tone for the rest of their lives. Now, in his role with NCF Heartland, Matt is able to pave the way for many other families to explore generosity in some incredible ways. Matt shares stories of several impactful NCF givers as well as insight on topics like the power of noncash giving, kingdom giving collaborations, and the great wealth transfer – the anticipated transfer of 60-80 trillion dollars between generations over the next several decades. 

Listen now to hear all he had to share (including a particularly creative Manager Minute at the end of the episode).

Quotes to Remember

  • “Generosity is its own witness. It can be an apologetic itself.”
  • “In the next few years, we are going to be experiencing the world’s greatest stewardship opportunity.” 
  • “In the last few years, we’ve seen a record level of giving happen through the pandemic.”
  • “We are watching an unprecedented amount of resources go back out after an unprecedented amount of resources coming in.”
  • “Our mission is to mobilize resources through inspiring biblical generosity.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Acts 20:35 | Better to Give than to Receive (MSG version)

You’ll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, ‘You’re far happier giving than getting.’

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