John Rinehart, Author of Gospel Patrons, on the Patterns Among the World’s Most Generous

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 52

John Rinehart, Author of Gospel Patrons, on the Patterns Among the World’s Most Generous

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 52

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What We’ll Cover

John Rinehart is the author of Gospel Patrons: People Whose Generosity Changed the World and founder of John started his career in the business world before returning to seminary. However, it was on a 132-day trip around the world that God introduced John to the concept of a gospel patron.

In his book, John vividly describes the lives of three individuals whose generosity changed the world:

  • Humphrey Monmouth, a successful cloth merchant in the 1500s who personally funded William Tyndale in the translation of the first English bible
  • Lady Huntingdon, a wealthy aristocrat in the 1700s who sacrificed much to partner with George Whitefield, the leading preacher of the Great Awakening and
  • John Thornton, one of the wealthiest businessmen in England in the late 1700s who funded John Newton’s hymnbook, which brought us “Amazing Grace”

Since authoring Gospel Patrons, John has become an influencial speaker and founded, which serves as a home to empower a generation of gospel patrons. On the website, John and his team have countless interviews with current day gospel patrons, short films and stories, and other resources to encourage those seeking to step out in faith to advance the gospel through generosity.

John had plenty to say about topics like common themes among gospel patrons, the best ways to get started, and how generosity is critical to faith. Listen now to hear all he had to say!

Quotes to Remember

  • “Why do I work? What is money for? What’s the role of business people in the Kingdom of God?”
  • “Behind every great movement of God, there is always going to be a behind-the-scenes generous, professional person who says: I’m in!”
  • “The work of the Kingdom of God is not just for pastors or missionaries.”
  • “No matter what gift you have, you can bring it to the table and God wants to use it.”
  • “I think the historical patronage partnerships were significant because they unlock the way God works.”
  • “Tithing isn’t the finish line of Christian giving, it’s the starting line.”
  • “God is going to introduce you to people who need your support.”
  • “Every great step of faith we’re ever going to take is preceded by 100 tiny little steps of faith that lead us to be ready for those moments.”
  • “You will be ready to step into your moment because you’ve already stepped into 100 smaller moments.” 
  • “If we want to have great faith, we’ve got to use it.”
  • “You grow in giving by giving.”
  • “Gospel patrons who live lives of radical, inspiring generosity are people who first and foremost have understood and grasped the gospel.”
  • “We become like that which we worship.”
  • “One of the themes I see among great gospel patrons is that their true and pure genius is obedience. They’re gifted is all sorts of ways, but when God speaks, they move.”
  • “The generous life is the most joyful life there is.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Luke 8:1-3 | The Patron Women Accompanying Jesus

1 Soon afterward he went on through cities and villages, proclaiming and bringing the good news of the kingdom of God. And the twelve were with him, 2 and also some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities: Mary, called Magdalene, from whom seven demons had gone out, 3 and Joanna, the wife of Chuza, Herod’s household manager, and Susanna, and many others, who provided for them out of their means.

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