Curt and Chris Chaffin on the Joys and Challenges of Life with a Finish Line

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 53
Chris and Curt Chaffin Generosity Missions Giving Financial Finish Line Podcast
Chris and Curt Chaffin Generosity Missions Giving Financial Finish Line Podcast

Curt and Chris Chaffin on the Joys and Challenges of Life with a Finish Line

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 53

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What We’ll Cover

Curt and Chris Chaffin set a financial finish line early in their marriage and have experienced many of the joys and challenges that come with it. Their story begins soon after Curts medical training during an extended missions trip abroad. After struggling significantly over whether to pursue full time missions, Curt and Chris ultimately found themselves led to remain in the states, using much of their income to fuel other’s work abroad. 

The Chaffins share a candid perspective on the freedom they’ve experienced through generosity, as well as the difficult decisions they’ve made along the way. Listen now to hear their take on topics like adjusting to a budget, staying on the same page, finding encouragement from others, sharing generosity with your kids, and the challenges of living differently than those around you.

Quotes to Remember

  • “Yes, there are needs here in the U.S., but overseas there are tremendous needs.”
  • “We were already used to the idea of arbitrarily limiting how much we spent.”
  • “As we were given resources, we knew immediately that these probably should not be spent on us.”
  • “God had been preparing our hearts all along.”
  • “Why are we trying to figure out how much to give away when it should be how much should I keep?”

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