Mark and Sharon Taylor, Real Estate Investors, on Complex Property Gifts and Giving as a Family

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 56
Mark and Sharon Taylor Real Estate Florida Generosity Giving Financial Finish Line Podcast
Mark and Sharon Taylor Real Estate Florida Generosity Giving Financial Finish Line Podcast

Mark and Sharon Taylor, Real Estate Investors, on Complex Property Gifts and Giving as a Family

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 56

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What We’ll Cover

Mark and Sharon Taylor own a successful real estate company in Florida. However, halfway through their career, God gave them a wake up call that completely changed their priorities. Since that time, Mark and Sharon have become passionate about the advancement of the gospel around the world and using the wealth and success God has given them to fuel that mission. 

Not only has God dramatically changed their focus and trajectory, but He has challenged their children too. Mark and Sharon frequently involve their kids in their business ventures and giving decisions and have learned a lot along the way.

More recently, Mark and Sharon have been walking through the process of giving away a large property that they own. They worked with the National Christian Foundation to navigate their complex gift and broke down what the process looks like from the inside. 

Mark and Sharon had plenty to say on topics like being generous with a fluctuating income, handling windfalls, thoughts on legacy and inheritance, giving as a family, and making complex gifts of property and appreciated assets. Listen now to hear all they had to share!

Quotes to Remember

  • “We began to measure our business against a biblical standard.”
  • “It just seemed like when we were honoring God, He was standing right there with us.” 
  • “You get so much more out of giving than you do out of getting.”
  • “Money was never the thing that drove us in what we did.”
  • “It’s important to know how to finish life well.”
  • “There’s a difference between being a Christian who is a financial advisor, and being a financial advisor who advises his clients as to what their Christian responsibilities ought to be.”
  • “We don’t have an income finsih line, we have an asset finish line.”
  • “I think 2022 is going to be the year that we give more than we earn.”
  • “I thought it would be really easy to give money away, but it’s hard!”
  • “I want to make as much money as I can possilby make, and give it all to the kingdom.” 
  • ‘I want to take money out of the world and put it into the kingdom.”
  • “Now I have a purpose for the money I try to earn.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Matt 6:3 | Giving in Secret 

3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing,

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