Nate and Bailey Eller, on Finding Your Passion in Giving, and Including Your Children on the Journey

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 62
Nathan Bailey Eller Real Estate Generosity Giving Neverthirst Financial Finish Line Podcast
Nathan Bailey Eller Real Estate Generosity Giving Neverthirst Financial Finish Line Podcast

Nate and Bailey Eller, on Finding Your Passion in Giving, and Including Your Children on the Journey

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 62

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What We’ll Cover

Nate and Bailey Eller both grew up in the church, but didn’t come into a deep relationship with Christ until college. God filled their hearts with a passion for generosity well before they had much to give. They began their marriage asking God to enable them to give freely, and He has faithfully answered that, allowing them to give more every year that they’ve been married for the last 10 years. As their level of giving increased, they began to explore where they could give above and beyond what they were already doing. After a season of prayer, God introduced them to a team of native missionaries working in Uganda, which planted in them a passion for empowering local indigenous missionaries to carry the gospel to their own people.

We had a number of questions for them about how they decide where to give and they graciously laid out their whole thought process for us. Nate and Bailey had much to share on topics like how to get started in generosity, how they stay aligned in their mission, and how they disciple their 4 children, including how they encourage a spirit of generosity. Listen now to hear all they had to share.

Quotes to Remember

  • “Even your goodness, your righteous acts, are like filthy rags compared to him.”
  • “I always wanted to be able to give, because many people had given to me and my family.”
  • “We began making more money, certainly more than we felt we deserved, and our hearts grew to give more.”
  • “Our money is not for us, it’s for Him, and to return glory and blessing back to Him.”
  • “If God blesses us with money, it’s so we can bless others so that His name might be made great.”
  • “We wanted to live freely. We wanted to be able to give to things that mattered for eternity.”
  • “Generosity is like an invitation from God.”
  • “We try to align our giving with our passions.”
  • “It’s a privilege to give, not an obligation, an opportunity to be invited into God’s story.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Isaiah 64:6 | We Are All Unclean

We have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment. We all fade like a leaf, and our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.

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