Leo Sabo, President of the Christian Stewardship Network, on Shepherding a Congregation in Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 78
Leo Sabo President Christian Stewardship Network CSN Church Pastor Generosity Financial Finish Line Podcast
Leo Sabo President Christian Stewardship Network CSN Church Pastor Generosity Financial Finish Line Podcast

Leo Sabo, President of the Christian Stewardship Network, on Shepherding a Congregation in Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 78

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What We’ll Cover

Leo Sabo is President of the Christian Stewardship Network (CSN), which provides training and resources for pastors seeking to disciple their congregations in the area of wise stewardship. Leo shares his remarkable story, from growing up in Romania to a successful ministry as a stewardship pastor at a large church, to taking over as President of CSN. 

Leo struggled with finances early in his career, but hit a major turning point as God began to reorient his perspective. His personal experience led him to his future role in ministry, helping others reshape their relationship with finances and encouraging stepping into joy-filled generosity.

Leo is passionate about encouraging discussion of finances within the church. He addresses the hesitation pastors and other church leaders often feel in breaching the subject and offers wisdom and advice for those seeking to do so wisely. 

Major Topics Include:

  • The mission of the Christian Stewardship Network (CSN) to equip church leaders for stewardship teaching.
  • The need for senior leaders to prioritize teaching stewardship principles in their congregations.
  • The challenges of incorporating stewardship teaching into church culture.
  • Differentiating between obedience and heart-driven generosity.
  • Trusting God’s provision through financial offerings.
  • Aligning financial principles with biblical truths for heart change.

Quotes to Remember

  • “God, whatever you want to do, that’s what I want to do.”
  • “I quickly realized that it was not a money issue. It was a heart issue, a spiritual issue.”
  • “Generosity is a byproduct of being a good steward. If you’re managing God’s resources, then you’re going to do it his way.”
  • “You’re teaching people how to align their faith with their finances. And that’s a difficult thing.”

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Bible References from the Show

Romans 1:16 | Unashamed of the Gospel

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.

Matthew 6:21 | Where Your Treasure Is, Your Heart Is

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

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