Bobby and Nan Bullard, Directors of of Partners in Ministry, on Stepping Into a Much Greater Story

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 80
Bobby and Nan Bullard Directors Partners in Ministry Missionary Endowment 24 14 Great Commission Finish Line Podcast
Bobby and Nan Bullard Directors Partners in Ministry Missionary Endowment 24 14 Great Commission Finish Line Podcast

Bobby and Nan Bullard, Directors of of Partners in Ministry, on Stepping Into a Much Greater Story

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 80

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What We’ll Cover

Bobby and Nan Bullard are Directors of Partners in Ministry, a missions partnership ministry that provides fuel to empower indigenous missionaries who are reaching their own neighboring unreached people groups. 

While God is still using the Bullards in the professional sphere, He has led them to channel much of their energy and resources over the years to accelerate the work of passionate believers abroad who live in close proximity to people groups who have never been exposed to the gospel.  Their stories express the joy of generosity and how they have been able to step into a much greater story through the work they are involved in. They also share how the strategy and work of Partners has grown and evolved over the years, paving the way for incredible impact in years to come.

Major topics covered include:

  • Bobby and Nan’s transition into ministry involvement
  • Generosity as a lifestyle rather than an action
  • The effectiveness of empowering indigenous missionaries
  • Stories of God’s miraculous provision and the importance of trusting His plan
  • Creating a global community of gospel patrons to fuel the Great Commission
  • The Endowment 2414 initiative, sustaining ministry for decades to come

Quotes to Remember

  • “I want you to know that the Lord is getting ready to widen that highway.”
  • “But a wiser man is he who knows himself eternally, and sees his value not in his life, but in his Lord.”
  • “We’re not in the middle of this blue ball in the middle of the universe for no reason. There is a purpose for our lives.”
  • “Ministries all over the world are coming together around getting the gospel to every tribe and nation.”
  • “The body of Christ is not just my local church; it’s so much bigger than that.”
  • “The resources and finances to complete the Great Commission exist right now in the hands of Christians.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Matthew 24:14 | And Then The End Will Come

And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Luke 12:13-21 | Bigger Barns

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