Joe Sharp, Entrepreneur, Author, and Pastor, on the Freedom that Comes from Obedience

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 81
Joe Sharp Innovations Living with Purpose Coaching Church God's Glory Finish Line Podcast
Joe Sharp Innovations Living with Purpose Coaching Church God's Glory Finish Line Podcast

Joe Sharp, Entrepreneur, Author, and Pastor, on the Freedom that Comes from Obedience

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 81

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What We’ll Cover

Entrepreneur, author, and pastor, Joe Sharp, discovered his faith through a challenging season in the early 2000s. From that moment on, he has been on a constantly evolving journey of radical generosity and purpose. About 15 years ago, Joe was challenged by the Spirit to work towards a reverse tithe, giving away 90% of his earnings and keeping only 10%. While he had no idea how that would be possible at the time, God has progressively opened the doors necessary for him to do that.

As Joe’s businesses have multiplied, God has stretched him to new levels of generosity. One of these encounters led Joe to acquire a large building complex where he lives in Pennsylvania. That complex, now named Kingdom Crossroads, is now home to a thriving community of ministries and businesses including a church that he pastors. And Joe continues to see new fruit year after year.  

Joe’s life is a shining example of the thriving, adventurous life available for those willing to walk in simple obedience one day at a time to the call and prompting of the Spirit. His entire interview is saturated with stories of God’s divine intervention, opening doors that never seemed possible. Indeed, that has become one of Joe’s passions – helping others find a deeper level of purpose through reckless obedience and faith.   

Major Topics Covered Include:

  • Living with an open handed posture
  • Hearing the Spirit in every day decisions
  • Generosity in business
  • Crossover between business and ministry
  • Joe’s real estate project: Kingdom Crossroads
  • Legacy planning for sustainable ministry

Quotes to Remember

  • “By the grace of God, He saved me and clarified the purpose that I had for my life.”
  • “It gave me a passion to really help other people identify their God-given passion and purpose in their lives, and then walk it out.”
  • “If you continue to say yes, if that remains your constant answer, the Holy Spirit will lead you on a wild ride until you get to be home with Jesus.”
  • “The blessing of God follows obedience.”
  • “Don’t hold on to your dreams with a death grip, because they might be yours and not God’s.”
  • “A lot of people don’t actually want to be obedient all the time. They want to be obedient when they want to be.”
  • “I think the spirit of the Lord is asking the men and women of God to rise into these moments.”
  • “You ain’t ready until you’re uncomfortable.”
  • “You can’t outgive God.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Malachi 3:10 | Test Me In This

Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. And thereby put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need.

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