David Wills, President Emeritus of NCF, on the Evolution of the Modern Generosity Movement

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 86
David Wills Chairman Emeritus National Christian Foundation NCF Generous Giving Faith Driven Investor Impact Foundation Finish Line Podcast
David Wills Chairman Emeritus National Christian Foundation NCF Generous Giving Faith Driven Investor Impact Foundation Finish Line Podcast

David Wills, President Emeritus of NCF, on the Evolution of the Modern Generosity Movement

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 86

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What We’ll Cover

David Wills stands as a beacon of philanthropic leadership and financial wisdom, carving his niche as the President Emeritus of the National Christian Foundation (NCF). A luminary in shaping generosity, David co-founded Generous Giving, an organization dedicated to fostering a culture of charitable living. Under his guidance, NCF has flourished, disbursing over $18 billion to charitable causes, reflecting an unparalleled commitment to transformative giving. He adeptly navigates the complexities of donor-advised funds, turning the concept into a strategic tool for streamlined and impactful philanthropy. David’s innovative approach is evidenced through his advocating for ‘finish lines’ in financial planning, ensuring wealth serves as a tool for good, not a master.

Merging financial stewardship with spiritual growth, David is a pioneer in impact investing, where charitable dollars yield social and spiritual dividends. His stirring personal journey from litigator to philanthropic strategist is a testament to living a faith-driven life. David’s insights are not just theories—they’re lived experiences that promise to resonate with listeners, urging them to explore the joy and responsibility of giving. Tune into The Finish Line Podcast for a profound dialogue with David Wills, where financial acumen meets the heart of generosity.

Topics include:

  • What inspired the creation of the National Christian Foundation, and how has it evolved since its inception?
  • Why is a financial finish line such a powerful tool of generosity and faith?
  • How do finish lines contribute to a sense of liberation and freedom?
  • What is impact investing and how does it intersect with generosity?
  • Who should have a donor advised fund, and how is it used effectively?
  • What motivated the start of Generous Giving, and what role does transformational heart change play in the conversation around generosity?
  • How has the modern generosity movement evolved over the past several decades?
  • How is the growth in generosity aligned with movement in the Great Commission and what progress has been made?
  • How can acts of spontaneous giving enrich family and community ties and demonstrate the joy of generosity?

Quotes to Remember

  • “There’s this extraordinarily large group of people that actually have the gift of giving, the spiritual gift of giving.”
  • “This year, we will, for the first time, have over a billion dollars worth of complex assets contributed to NCF.”
  • “Generosity is contagious when people are transformed.”
  • “When you grow in the how and the where, your giving will grow arithmetically. You’ll feel better about it. You’ll be more strategic. But when you get the why question right, your giving can grow exponentially.”
  • “If you’re well planned, you will give more and you will give more wisely. Part of the planning process are finish lines.”
  • “If a trustee starts to get confused about their role and they don’t have any parameters around how they’re dealing with whatever it is that they’re stewarding, the stuff will actually own them as opposed to them stewarding the stuff.”
  • “All investing is impact investing. So what kind of impact are you having?”
  • “If you want to meet somebody in heaven that has never had God’s word in their native language, you better get on it right now because we’re running out of these languages”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Luke 16:9 | Making Eternal Friends

And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth, so that when it fails they may receive you into the eternal dwellings.

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