Trevor Lui, COO of Global Trust Partners, on Strengthening Trust Among Givers Through Transparency

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 87
Trevor Lui Global Trust Partners GTP Accountability Transparancy Financial Finish Line Podcast
Trevor Lui Global Trust Partners GTP Accountability Transparancy Financial Finish Line Podcast

Trevor Lui, COO of Global Trust Partners, on Strengthening Trust Among Givers Through Transparency

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 87

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What We’ll Cover

Trevor Lui is the Chief Operating Officer of Global Trust Partners, an international ministry accountability organization. Trevor’s remarkable journey began in Hong Kong, where his family’s humble beginnings and the church’s pivotal support laid the foundation for his lifelong commitment to Christian values and service. His education in business administration and information systems propelled him into the business world. It wasn’t long before Trevor’s passion for active business drew him back to Hong Kong to consult on management—yet his trajectory took an unexpected turn toward ministry with Global Trust Partners.

GTP works to help countries around the world develop ministry peer accountability organizations, similar to the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) in the US. These organizations help raise the standard for nonprofits and ministries operating in these countries to better steward the resources entrusted to them. They also increase donor confidence in knowing they can trust the organizations they partner with. Topics include:

  • What challenges and rewards come with transitioning from business to ministry?
  • What does effective accountability look like for a Christian ministry?
  • How does organizational accountability increase capacity for personal generosity?
  • How can you find more information about the accountability of ministries based outside the U.S.?
  • In what ways do church cultures vary internationally, especially in the context of generosity?
  • What practical steps can individuals take to adopt an abundance mindset and effectively share their resources for a greater purpose?

Quotes to Remember

  • “When a ministry aligns itself with this standard and commits to independent, verified compliance, it sets a strong foundation for accountability.”
  • “Accountability flows through transparency. And that gives the trust to the giver.”

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