Ron Blue, Founder of Kingdom Advisors, on the Transformative Power of Financial Finish Lines

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 88
Ronald Ron Blue Blue Trust and Company Kingdom Advisors NCF Financial Finish Line Podcast
Ronald Ron Blue Blue Trust and Company Kingdom Advisors NCF Financial Finish Line Podcast

Ron Blue, Founder of Kingdom Advisors, on the Transformative Power of Financial Finish Lines

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 88

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What We’ll Cover

Ron Blue is a venerated pioneer in the field of Christ-centered financial planning and a luminary in the greater generosity movement. With a storied career spawning the establishment of the 56th largest CPA firm in the nation, and a financial advisory firm now with over $60 billion in assets, Ron has impacted countless lives through a unique blend of financial acumen and spiritual wisdom.

After rooting his own advisory firm, Ronald Blue Trust, in a biblical framework for financial planning, Ron went on to found Kingdom Advisors, a network of over 3,000 kingdom-minded financial professionals. Today, Kingdom Advisors provides comprehensive training and certification to help financial practices of all kinds solidly integrate their faith and financial advice.

Ron is also co-founder of the National Christian Foundation, which carries a similar mission to inspire and empower Christians to deeper generosity and effectiveness in their giving. Ron shared countless stories of generosity of all flavors as well as a unique picture of the development of the modern generosity movement over the last several decades.

Topics include:

  • How can faith and financial planning be integrated in a meaningful way?
  • Why is a financial finish line such a powerful tool?
  • How do you introduce a new person to the idea of a finish line?
  • How should someone think about legacy and inheritance from a biblical standpoint?
  • How can parents pass on a spirit of generosity to their children?

Quotes to Remember

  • We help people manage their finances so they have more to give away.
  • They don’t know how fine they’re doing and they don’t know how much they can give.
  • If you want to give away a million dollars, I can help you do that.
  • You can make good financial decisions using good biblical wisdom.
  • Tithing is just the beginning point of giving.
  • We get great joy from giving nondeductible gifts. The deduction is irrelevant.
  • The more generous we’ve been, the more generous we tend to become.
  • You can’t take someone somewhere you haven’t been.
  • Generosity is symptomatic of transformation.
  • When you say that God owns it, that is a life-changing decision.
  • If you don’t have a goal, you’ll never get there. Where is it that you would like to end up?
  • If you’re dependent on your money for security, you don’t have security.
  • It’s really out of assets that great giving occurs.
  • If I love my children equally, I will treat them unequally (regarding inheritance).
  • Do your giving while you’re living so you’re knowing where it’s going.
  • People give to where they have relationships and where they can share vision.
  • Kids learn to manage money by managing money.

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