Kate Gardner, Host of the Ascendants Podcast, on Next Generation Stewardship and Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 89
Kate Gardner Motley Fool Magnify Ascendants Gospel Patrons Generosity Financial Finish Line Podcast
Kate Gardner Motley Fool Magnify Ascendants Gospel Patrons Generosity Financial Finish Line Podcast

Kate Gardner, Host of the Ascendants Podcast, on Next Generation Stewardship and Generosity

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 89

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What We’ll Cover

Kate Gardner is a trailblazer in the realm of next-generation philanthropy. With a transformational journey that began with receiving a significant wealth transfer on her 21st birthday, Kate redefined her life’s trajectory to align with her faith and a profound dedication to generosity. She has since supported approximately 60 missions teams across 20 to 30 nations, nurturing lasting relationships with the teams she supports.

As the co-host of the Ascendants Podcast and co-founder of Magnify, Kate illuminates the paths of fellow inheritors, helping them navigate the complexities of wealth stewardship with purpose and joy. Her deep-seated passion for holistic generosity extends beyond financial giving—she actively champions creative giving through real estate and hospitality and empowers the next generation to write their own generosity narratives.

Topics include:

  • How can next gens navigate the pressures of inheriting wealth and maintaining family legacies?
  • In what ways can inheritors find individual purpose in the midst of pre-established paths of philanthropy?
  • What are effective strategies for wealth givers to involve their children in the conversation about inheritance?
  • What is the role of community in shaping the philanthropic journey of Christian inheritors?
  • How should givers think about any wealth transfer to their children?
  • How can next gens develop financial literacy and character before receiving wealth?
  • What challenges do next gens face in relation to their mental and emotional health, and how can faith inform their coping strategies?

Quotes to Remember

  • “I also like to think of prayer as a form of generosity. It’s not about you.”
  • “Your calling is where your greatest joy meets the world’s deepest need.”
  • “I seek to support people financially, relationally, and spiritually with prayer.”

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