Game of Life
Have someone read the instructions out loud to the rest of your group each turn as you go. You’ll each be playing individually, but will go through the game together.
Basic Rules
This game consists of 10 turns. On each turn, you will receive income from your job, and you’ll pay out your living expenses. These numbers are fixed each turn. Afterwards, you’ll have the chance to use any leftover money in 4 different ways, which are shown below:
Bonds: For every 4 tokens you place in the bonds box, you will receive 1 guaranteed token next turn. Investing a fraction of 4 tokens produces nothing.
Stocks: Stocks have higher risk, but higher reward than bonds. Each token you invest could double, but you could also lose everything you invest. On average, the gains tend to be greater than bonds.
Rental home: You can purchase a rental home for 20 tokens. On each following turn, you will receive 10 tokens per turn from your tenants.
Giving: Of course you can choose to give money away at any point, but it can never be taken back.
You can always see how much money you have in your bank account. This is your pool of money to use as you see fit. At the beginning of the game, you should start with 2 tokens in your bank.
On any given turn, you don’t have to use all of your money in one of the 4 ways listed above. Just leave any remainder in the bank.
It may be tempting to discuss how you are using your money each turn, but try to save any discussion for the end.
You will find a few discussion questions at the end to help you reflect on the experience. Let’s begin.
Click Start when everyone is ready.
Turn 1 of 10
You and your newlywed spouse have a modest income of 4 tokens.
Click Next below to collect your income.
Turn 1 of 10
Not too shabby, but nothing special. Considering you’re just getting on your feet, your expenses and bills are also 4 tokens.
Click Next to pay your bills.
Turn 1 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 1 Payout
For every 4 tokens you had in bonds, you received one more (remember, less than 4 produces nothing).
Stocks held even this turn, no losses, no gains.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 2 of 10
Congratulations, you got a 25% raise! This turn, you get 5 tokens.
Click Next to collect your income.
Turn 2 of 10
Your expenses are roughly the same. Pay 4 tokens.
Click Next to pay your bills.
Turn 2 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 2 Payout
For every 4 tokens in bonds, you received 1 additional token.
It was a good turn for stocks! For every token in stocks, you received 1 more.
For each rental property you own, you received 10 tokens.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 3 of 10
No major changes in income or expenses this turn. You receive 5 tokens and pay back another 4.
Click Next to collect your income and pay your bills.
Turn 3 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 3 Payout
For every 4 tokens in bonds, you received 1 additional token.
It was another good turn for stocks! For every token in stocks, you received 1 more.
For each rental property, you received 10 tokens.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 4 of 10
You’ve made it to middle management! Another raise! You receive 6 tokens this turn.
Click Next to collect your income.
Turn 4 of 10
You guessed it, pay back another 4 for bills and expenses.
Click Next to pay your bills.
Turn 4 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 4 Payout
For every 4 tokens in bonds, you received 1 additional token.
Very rough market this turn. Unfortunately, all tokens in stocks were lost.
For each rental property, you received 10 tokens.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 5 of 10
You might not believe it, but you earned another raise, 7 tokens! What a star!
Click Next to collect your income.
Turn 5 of 10
The cost of living has also had a bump. Pay 5 tokens back.
Click Next to pay your bills.
Turn 5 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 5 Payout
For every 4 tokens in bonds, you received 1 additional token.
The market remained choppy, but you came out on top! For every token in stocks, you received 1 more.
For each rental property, you received 10 tokens.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 6 of 10
There’s no stopping you now. As a new executive, you earn a whopping 8 tokens.
Click Nexts to collect your income.
Turn 6 of 10
Don’t forget to pay those bills! Another 5 tokens.
Click Next to pay your bills.
Turn 6 of 10
Now, take a second and decide if you would like to use any funds in your bank towards the options below.
When everyone is finished, click Next.
Turn 6 Payout
For every 4 tokens in bonds, you received 1 additional token.
Another good turn for risk takers! For every token in stocks, you received 1 more.
For each rental property, you received 10 tokens.
Click Next to return any investments to your bank.
Turn 7 of 10
Things have been going pretty well recently. It’s hard to complain!
One morning, while out on a jog enjoying some fresh air, you began to feel some chest pain. You decide to head to the hospital to get checked out, but the pain starts to get far worse.
It turns out you suffered a massive heart attack. You have an excellent medical team, but despite all their efforts, you unfortunately pass 3 days later with your family at your side.
Click Next when ready.
Let’s take a minute or two and silently reflect on our “lives” over the past 7 turns. Think about how you felt at different points along the way. Think about how you felt at the end. We’ll all share some thoughts in a moment.
Allow 1-2 minutes of silent reflection.
Click Next when ready.
What’s the Point?
You are probably wondering what happened to the 10 turns. Don’t worry, we’ll get there! But first, we’re going to share some of our thoughts.
Think back to the original instructions for the game. What was the goal? If you’re having trouble remembering, don’t worry! There wasn’t one! There were plenty of rules to keep track of, sure. But no explicit goal was given.
Discuss as a group. What became your personal goal in the game? What were you trying to accomplish with whatever strategy you were using?
After discussing your answers, click Next.
Real Life
We are given instructions to life in a similar manner. There are lots of rules to follow and lots of strategy to discuss. But what is the goal? We often don’t stop to think about it. But you might argue that it’s the most important question of all.
Discuss as a group. Did you notice any similarities between the goals and strategies you used in the game and the goals and strategies you use for your actual finances?
After discussing your answers, click Next.
How to Give
Now let’s take a minute to discuss the giving box. Obviously, any tokens used towards giving in the game produced nothing for us personally. Like real life, we often aren’t told how or why to give. But it is only through giving that our money can have any real impact on anyone but ourselves.
You might be surprised to hear that if you simply gave away any excess over your “living expenses” each turn, you would have given away 11 tokens over the course of your “life”.
Discuss as a group. When and how did you decide to give in the game, if you did at all? Were you planning on giving during the 3 turns you never got to? If you could play again, would you do things any differently?
After discussing your answers, click Next.
What Happened?
Now let’s turn to the question we’ve all been wondering. What happened to the 10 turns? Well you might be surprised to find out that we didn’t make the rules to this game. Jesus did. Let’s take a look.
Have someone read the following passage from Luke 12. Afterwards take a minute or two to think about what stood out to you. Then we’ll discuss as a group.
Luke 12:16-21 (ESV)
And he told them a parable, saying, “The land of a rich man produced plentifully, and he thought to himself, ‘What shall I do, for I have nowhere to store my crops?’ And he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my barns and build larger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. And I will say to my soul, “Soul, you have ample goods laid up for many years; relax, eat, drink, be merry.”’ But God said to him, ‘Fool! This night your soul is required of you, and the things you have prepared, whose will they be?’ So is the one who lays up treasure for himself and is not rich toward God.”
Allow 1-2 minutes of silent reflection.
One of the most surprising things about this passage is that the rich man would generally be considered wise by the vast majority of people today, including most Christians. He was successful in his work, and he planned ahead for retirement. Yet there seems to be something much more significant going on.
Discuss as a group. What does this passage say about our nature? What is Jesus trying to tell us through this passage?
The fact is, we all expect 10 turns in life. But we don’t all get them. In fact, many don’t.
Discuss as a group. How does this exercise and this passage make you think about the wealth you currently manage and about your goals for the next 30, 40, or 50 years.
Is this game an over-simplified version of life? Of course! There is plenty more complexity to consider in real life. But there is one principle that holds true amidst all that complexity:
Without intervention, our hearts will create all sorts of goals that distract us from God’s plans.
That’s All for Now
If your group is covering additional modules today, you can move on to the next module now. If you are finished for the day, take a few minutes to pray as a group.
Basic Rules
This game consists of 10 turns. On each turn, you will receive income from your job, and you’ll pay out your living expenses. These numbers are fixed each turn. Afterwards, you’ll have the chance to use any leftover money in 4 different ways, which are shown below:
Bonds: For every 4 tokens you place in the bonds box, you will receive 1 guaranteed token next turn. Investing a fraction of 4 tokens produces nothing.
Stocks: Stocks have higher risk, but higher reward than bonds. Each token you invest could double, but you could also lose everything you invest. On average, the gains tend to be greater than bonds.
Rental home: You can purchase a rental home for 20 tokens. On each following turn, you will receive 10 tokens per turn from your tenants.
Giving: Of course you can choose to give money away at any point, but it can never be taken back.
You can always see how much money you have in your bank account. This is your pool of money to use as you see fit. At the beginning of the game, you should start with 2 tokens in your bank.
On any given turn, you don’t have to use all of your money in one of the 4 ways listed above. Just leave any remainder in the bank.
It may be tempting to discuss how you are using your money each turn, but try to save any discussion for the end.