David Hazell, Serial Entrepreneur, on Building a Gospel Pipeline Through BusinesspodcastList...read more
Edmund Michaelson, Founder of the 500k, on Radical Generosity Empowering the Indigenous ChurchpodcastList...read more
Scott Cheatham, CEO of e3 Partners, on Missional Collaboration in Global Church PlantingpodcastList...read more
Christopher Beth, Founder of the Bucket Ministry, on Technology, Clean Water, and the GospelpodcastList...read more
Mic Flip: Hear from Cody and Kealan with Guest Hosts David Wills and Todd HarperpodcastList...read more
Ryan Skoog and Cameron Doolittle, Authors of Lead with Prayer, on the Powerful Intersection of Generosity and PrayerpodcastList...read more
Rich Rudowske and Tilahun Mendedo from Lutheran Bible Translators, on Financially Self-Sustaining Models for Bible TranslationpodcastList...read more
Michel Kenmogne, Director of SIL International, on the Power of Hearing God’s Word in Your Heart LanguagepodcastList...read more
David Wills, President Emeritus of NCF, on the Evolution of the Modern Generosity MovementpodcastList...read more