Ryan Skoog and Cameron Doolittle, Authors of Lead with Prayer, on the Powerful Intersection of Generosity and Prayer

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 94
Ryan Skoog Venture Cameron Doolittle Practicing the Way Maclellan Foundation Lead with Prayer Finish Line Podcast
Ryan Skoog Venture Cameron Doolittle Practicing the Way Maclellan Foundation Lead with Prayer Finish Line Podcast

Ryan Skoog and Cameron Doolittle, Authors of Lead with Prayer, on the Powerful Intersection of Generosity and Prayer

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 94

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What We’ll Cover

Ryan Skoog is the CEO of Venture, a non-profit that serves war refugees, trafficked people, oppressed children, and the unreached in the most difficult places in the world. Being raised as a “spiritual mutt” in a mission-minded and entrepreneurial household, Ryan began a company alongside Venture, funding the administration of the ministry with the profits, and freeing up the investments of givers to fund church planting and community development projects in unreached places across the globe.

Cameron Doolittle is a veteran in the generosity space. He is senior advisor to the Maclellan Foundation, executive director of Practicing the Way, co-founder of Generosity Path, and a founding CEO of Jill’s House, a ministry for kids with intellectual disabilities. With a background as a political advisor, Cameron now consults with organizations his family loves, including The Bible Project, Desiring God with John Piper, and many more. 

Together with Peter Greer, Ryan and Cameron co-authored the newly released book, “Lead with Prayer” after years of studying how Christian leaders pray. They will share more about their personal stories, what God is doing in the nations through Venture, how “Lead with Prayer” came about, and many insightful keys to prayer and generosity as a great adventure with Christ.

Major topics include:

  • The difference between investing in the Kingdom and giving to the Kingdom
  • How prayer is fueling the explosion of the global church
  • Investing financially in prayer as an asset
  • A look into the prayer lives of many church leaders around the world
  • More leadership calls for more prayer time
  • Friendship-first prayer
  • Building prayer “bells” or triggers throughout your day
  • How generosity and prayer work together

Quotes to Remember

  • “The global church is exploding and it is a sight to behold! We get to live in some incredible times.” Ryan Skoog
  • “What if we just said, this is enough!” Cameron Doolittle
  • “There’s something about the number 51. Once You’ve crossed that rubicon, you’re giving more than you’re keeping.” Ryan Skoog
  • “There’s three reasons people give – to look good, to feel good, or to actually do good, even when it doesn’t look good or feel good.” Ryan Skoog quoting Jay Yacov, Economist
  • “You give to feel good or look good, but you invest because you want to see a return on your investment. You want to do good, even if it doesn’t look good or feel good.” Ryan Skoog
  • “What if we stood at the feet of the global church and asked them to teach us how to pray?” Ryan Skoog
  • “If prayer is the thing that’s fueling what God’s doing around the world, then how come we’re not talking about it more?” Ryan Skoog
  • “You can’t create a culture of prayer without being a person of prayer.” Cameron Doolittle
  • “When Jesus’s ministry was the busiest, the scriptures say he withdrew more often, not less.” Ryan Skoog
  • “Whenever you’re being generous, you’re going to say a lot of noes in order to say some big yeses.” Cameron Doolittle
  • “Prayer develops gratitude. And gratitude is the foundation of generosity.” Ryan Skoog
  • “Prayer is a key to having an adventure of generosity versus just an experience of giving.” Ryan Skoog
  • “Learning to obey the Holy Spirit in your giving opens the opportunity to have an adventure with your Friend Jesus on giving.” Ryan Skoog

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

Matthew 6:21 | Treasure of the Heart

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

2 Corinthians 10:4 | Spiritual Warfare

For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.

Acts 3:1 | The Hour of Prayer

Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.

John 15:5 | Abide in the Vine

I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

Luke 5:15-16 | Increased Ministry, Increased Prayer

But now even more the report about him went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.

Psalm 100:4 | Thanksgiving and Praise

Enter his gates with thanksgiving, and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him; bless his name!

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