Gary Ringger, Founder of Lifesong for Orphans, on Handing His Business Over to God

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 91
Gary Ringger Founder President Lifesong for Orphans Adoption Children Radical Business Generosity Finish Line Podcast
Gary Ringger Founder President Lifesong for Orphans Adoption Children Radical Business Generosity Finish Line Podcast

Gary Ringger, Founder of Lifesong for Orphans, on Handing His Business Over to God

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 91

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What We’ll Cover

Gary Ringger is the founder and President of Lifesong for Orphans. His journey from struggling business owner in the food industry to the steadfast shepherd of Lifesong for Orphans is a testament to the heart of generosity in action. Following a profound personal “contract with God,” Gary’s life shifted from profit-driven enterprise to purpose-driven stewardship, shaping a legacy of impact.

Amidst the crucible of business challenges, Gary’s faith-inspired pivot directed millions in business proceeds to fuel an innovative approach to orphan care. Today, Lifesong thrives on sustainable and impact business strategies, all rooted in Gary’s spiritual journey and entrepreneurial grit.

Major topics include:

  • What led to Gary’s “contract with God”?
  • How did Gary transition from business to ministry?
  • How has careful, intentional listening prayer shaped many major decisions in Gary’s life?
  • How can givers align their time and energy with their financial giving?
  • How does Lifesong for Orphans serve orphans and families around the world?
  • What is a giving engine and how do they provide ongoing support for ministry?

Quotes to Remember

  • “We’re gonna get rich, retire at 40, and live the American Dream.”
  • “God used that brokenness to change my paradigm.”
  • “My prayer life went from a discipline to my favorite time of day.”
  • “If we hadn’t written it down, the entire journey wouldn’t have happened.”
  • “Don’t just give it away, get involved with something.”
  • “Once you’re a steward, God opens and closes doors in ways you could never imagine.”
  • “If you want to experience God, look for where He’s working and join into that.”

Links from the Show

Bible References from the Show

2 Timothy 1:7 | Spirit of Fear

For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.

James 1:27 | Pure Religion

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

Matthew 25:23 | Parable of the Talents

‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.’

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