Steve French, CEO of the Signatry, on Strategically Maximizing Our Financial Impact

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 21

Steve French, CEO of the Signatry, on Strategically Maximizing Our Financial Impact

The Finish Line Podcast

Episode 21

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What We’ll Cover 

Steve French is the President and CEO of the Signatry, which partners with families and generous givers to strategically advance the gospel and tackle some of the worlds greatest problems. He shares his story growing up in humble circumstances to becoming a seasoned investor and entrepreneur, purchasing over 15 companies in his career. However, despite all his success, it was one failure that he ranks above it all as one of the most defining moments of his life. Through that moment, God finally got Steve’s attention, and we sure are glad that He did. Since that time, Steve has been rigorously focused on mobilizing families that have been given much to manage in order to have an incredible impact on the kingdom. On top of that, Steve gives us an inside look at how donor advised funds and other creative giving strategies can amplify and maximize our impact much more than we may realize. Listen now to hear Steve’s incredible story and his depth of knowledge on creative giving strategies.

Quotes to Remember

  • “I didn’t have a clue where God was leading me, I just knew I was supposed to leave.”
  • “This is the most important thing to ever happen to me in my life other than my adoption, coming to know Christ, and getting married to my wife Debbie.”
  • “Because God was telling me, ‘I wanted you to learn for the rest of your life that you are a steward and I am the owner. But you thought you were the steward AND the owner.'”
  • “God intends, and always has intended, to work through the family.”
  • “God has a vision and a mission for every family, and it’s not a one generational purpose.”
  • “God is the owner of everything. Not just our material resources, but our gifts, our talents, our time.”
  • “Our life is determined, it’s written in the Lamb’s book of life. It has a start, and it has a finish. So how do we steward that time that’s between those 2 points?”
  • “That failing to me is more important that my successes. And God get’s glorified every time I tell that story.”
  • “God is the best investor that there’ll ever be or ever has been. His returns on investment are 2x or 3x. His returns are 100x or 1000x.”
  • “By unlocking those assets, they can often give 10 times as much as they would have given had they given cash.”

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